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 ACCESS TO QUALITY HEALTHCARE LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST on improving access to quality healthcare with Véronique Teyssié, Programme Manager for the Foundation Pierre Fabre, Paul Saghbini, Executive Administrator and Hospitaller of the Order of Malta in Lebanon, and Christine Amisi, Director of Panzi Hospital in the DRC. SUPPORTING LOCAL ACTORS during humanitarian crises In light of increasing numbers of conflicts and displaced populations, the Fondation Pierre Fabre has shifted the focus of its initiatives to improve healthcare access in ways that support humanitarian entities in the field: in Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Central African Republic, where it supports proven intervention models and helps strengthen and replicate them in similar contexts. SUPPORTING ACCESS TO PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN LEBANON In Lebanon, the Foundation has worked alongside the Order of Malta since 2002. It supports the operations of the Khaldieh Medical-Social Centre, which provides treatment, medicines and essential kits to those living in the rural regions in the north of the country. The staff at this exemplary centre, accredited by the Lebanese Ministry of Health and the World Bank, took in 6,200 patients in 2019 – nearly a third of them refugees. The Foundation also continues to support the Kefraya Mobile Medical Unit, created with in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This facility is a replication of the holistic model designed and implemented by Dr Denis Mukwege (see interview opposite). The Foundation also financed construc- tion of a shelter facility for victims so they have free accommodations throughout their treatment and support journey. In 2019, 184 patients received treatment and more than 2,700 people took part in awareness sessions. This model will be the inspira- tion for another such project in Bangui in the Central African Republic in 2020, implemented with funding Foundation funding in 2016. This refitted bus travels through remote Lebanese villages and refugee camps in the Beqaa valley. AIDING VICTIMS OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE from the Agence Française de Dé- veloppement (AFD) and supported by a consortium of partners led by the Fondation Pierre Fabre. In 2019, the Fondation Pierre Fabre also approved implementation of two support projects in the region, starting in 2020: first, implementation of cross- disciplinary and structural support for the Order of Malta’s activities in Lebanon so as to fortify its network of health centres; second, financing to build a shelter for women and children in Mosul, Iraq, operated by the Fondation Mérieux. Since 2018, the Foundation has supported the Bulen- ga hospital treatment unit for victims of sexual violence THE FOUNDATION ALSO FINANCED CONSTRUCTION OF FOURTH CALL FOR PROJECTS A SHELTER FACILITY IN THE OCCITANIE REGION FOR VICTIMS The call for projects in Occitanie, created in 2016, is in response to the Fondation Pierre Fabre’s desire to structure its support for health cooperation entities in the Occitanie region. It is intended to promote the regional dynamic of cooperation to assist the disadvantaged populations of the Global South and is carried out in collaboration with Occitanie Coopération, a cooperation and international-solidarity network. Six associations were selected in 2019, bringing the number of projects supported since 2016 to 23. In total, since 2002, more than 70 regional initiatives have received the Foundation’s assistance. Fondation Pierre Fabre – 32 

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