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 LEARN MORE     EARLY SICKLE-CELL DISEASE SCREENING AND TREATMENT   SENEGAL  ACTIONS • Implement neonatal screening at the Saint-Louis Teaching Hospital maternity ward • Begin operation of maternity ward at the Ngom Healthcare Centre in Saint-Louis • Analyse samples at the CERPAD laboratory; treat children diagnosed with sickle-cell disease in the CERPAD ambulatory care unit  2019 ACHIEVEMENTS • 3,813 samples taken from 4,755 live births (80.2%) • 17 children with sickle-cell disease diagnosed and treated at CERPAD        7 years (2013-2020)   PARTNERS Gaston Berger University - Centre for Sickle- cell Anaemia Research and Outpatient Treatment (CERPAD)        LEARN MORE    SICKLE-CELL DISEASE SCREENING AND TREATMENT   HAITI  ACTIONS • Conduct newborn scree- ning and early diagnosis • Monitor and treat patients • Train healthcare personnel at Saint-Damien Hospital • Hold awareness sessions  IMPACT • 1,393 screenings • 1,500 patients registered • 899 patients actively monitored • 3 training sessions for healthcare personnel • 2 awareness meetings with parents, adolescents and hospital staff      3 years (2018-2020)  PARTNERS Haiti Sickle-cell disease Association - Saint-Damien Paediatric Hospital - Hôpital Universitaire de la Paix – Hospital of the State University of Haiti          LEARN MORE     IMPROVING SOCIAL AND HEALTH CARE FOR THOSE WITH SICKLE-CELL DISEASE IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA   CAMEROON, CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE, MADAGASCAR, DRC, CÔTE D’IVOIRE  ACTIONS • Improve early screening network • Ensure access to quality health- care for sickle-cell patients and their families • Train health personnel in dia- gnosis and treatment • Improve the general public’s awareness of the disease   2019 ACHIEVEMENTS • Held over 100 training sessions for over 2,500 professionals since 2018 • 69,202 screenings • 3,790 patients treated • More than 80,000 people benefitted from awareness-raising efforts since 2018        3 years (2018-2020) PARTNERS Agence Française de Développement - Eu- ropean Institute for Development and Coo- peration (IECD) - Essos Hospital of Yaoundé (CNPS), Cameroon - Malagasy Institute of Applied Research (IMRA) - Madagascar, Health centres supported by IECD in Pointe Noire - Congo-Brazzaville - Monkole Hospi- tal of Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of the Congo – Yopougon teaching hospital; Institut Pasteur - Côte d’Ivoire             RESEARCH PROGRAMME: Study on the impact of the sickle-cell trait on malaria transmission - IMPAS   CAMEROON  STUDY PROCEDURES • Recruit 5,000 healthy indivi- duals carrying the sickle-cell trait • Compare reinfection dyna- mics between groups • Compare in mosquitos the transmission of malaria from the blood of the two groups’ subjects  EXPECTED RESULTS • Based on the study’s results, establish adequate information and prevention measures for people with the trait. The results of this study will also help raise awareness of the sickle-cell disease in the “malaria ecosystem”       3 years (2019-2022)   PARTNER Cameroon Centre Pasteur              RESEARCH PROGRAMME: Epidemiological study on infant and child mortality attributable to sickle-cell disease in five sub-Saharan African countries - MIDAS   BURKINA FASO, CÔTE D’IVOIRE, MALI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO AND SENEGAL    ACTIONS • Collect data by comparing the infant and juvenile mor- tality of sickle-cell families and non sickle-cell families on a sample of 8,352 children  EXPECTED IMPACT • Help improve epidemiological knowledge of the disease, which is still mischaracterised, thereby supporting advocacy initiatives         5 years (2015-2020) PARTNERS INSERM unit headed by Professor Xavier Jouven - Institut Necker        Fondation Pierre Fabre – 27 Budget: € 150,000 Budget: € 198,341 Budget: € 319,778 Budget: € 490,000 Budget: € 530,000 

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