Foundation governance

Fondation Pierre Fabre is overseen by a Board of Directors that meets at least twice annually. The Board establishes guidelines, approves strategic projects and ensures the proper management of the Foundation. It has 14 members divided into three colleges:
The Council of Founders
- Mr Pierre-Yves Revol, President of Fondation Pierre Fabre
- Mr Jacques Fabre, Secretary of Fondation Pierre Fabre
- Mr Jacques Godfrain, Treasurer (former Minister for Cooperation)
- Ms Huong Mangin, CEO of companies
- Mr Francis Piquemal, former Administrator of companies
- Mr Bertrand Parmentier, CEO of companies
Ex officio members
- Mr Laurent Buchaillat, Spokesperson for the French Interior Minister, Prefect of Tarn
- Mr Christophe Farnaud, Spokesperson for the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Director of North Africa and the Middle East in the Central Administration of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Co-opted members
- Ms Nathalie Delapalme, Executive Director, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
- Mr Luong N’Guyen, PhD in medicine, specialising in ophthalmology
- Mr Serge Resnikoff, Professor, Ophthalmologist and expert on global health issues
- Mr Daniel Havis, President of the Matmut
- Mr Elrick Irastorza, General of the Army
- Mr Frédéric de Saint-Sernin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of ACTED
The management team, under the leadership of the Director General, suggests programmes and initiatives to the Board and ensure programme implementation, coordination and monitoring.
Management team
- Ms Béatrice Garrette, Executive Director
- Ms Elodie Montagne Moulis, General secretary
- Mr Christophe Przybylski, Scientific Director
- Ms Solenne Barbe, Program Director
With eight eminent scientists, the Scientific Committee proposes and gives advisory opinions on major priorities and on the programme of action.
- President, Professor Serge Resnikoff, Ophthalmologist and expert on global health issues
- Professor Dapa Diallo, Haematologist and Head of the CRLD in Bamako (Mali)
- Professor Marc Gentilini, Specialist in infectious and tropical diseases, Professor Emeritus at the Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Member of the Academy of Medicine, which he chaired in 2008, Founding President of the Pan African Organization for the Fight against AIDS (OPALS) and Chairman of the French Red Cross from 1997 to 2004
- Professor Gérard Lorette, Professor Emeritus of Dermatology
- Professor Michel Vidal, Pharmacochemist, UMR CNRS 8038, U 1268 INSERM – University of Paris Descartes
- Doctor Claire Rieux, Haematologist at the Henri Mondor Hospital, and adviser on epidemiology and humanitarian medicine
- Doctor Cohen Solal, President, DARGIA Conseils
- Doctor Bernard Vallat, Veterinary surgeon and former Director General of OIE (the World Organisation for Animal Health)
All duties and functions of the members of both the Board of Directors and the Scientific Committee are performed on a volunteer basis.