Privacy policy

The Pierre Fabre Foundation (hereinafter the ‘Foundation’) may, in the course of its activities, process your Personal Data in accordance with applicable regulations.

This policy explains how we process your Personal Data.

This policy is accessible on our website and is updated regularly to take into account legislative and regulatory developments, and any changes in the processing operations carried out by the Foundation.

This policy was updated on March 08, 2024.


Collection of Personal Data: collection of Personal Data on the website or via the Foundation’s e-mail addresses.

Cookies: files stored on the User’s computer (hard disk) to collect Data relating to the User.

Recipients: persons or departments to whom the Foundation may disclose Personal Data in compliance with the legal regulations and the rules set out in this Privacy Policy.

Personal data or Data: any information enabling a natural person to be identified directly (with this information alone) or indirectly (by cross-referencing two or more pieces of information) is Personal Data, for example, last name, first name, postal address, telephone number, job title, social security number, etc.

Login data: information that a User transmits when connecting to the internet and to a website, such as login and logout times, login identifiers, etc.

Browsing data: all information relating to a User’s use of the internet, such as pages visited, files downloaded, etc.

Purpose: the reason why the Foundation collects Personal Data, the objective that justifies the collection.

Natural person: any individual.

Data controller: the organization that decides on the purposes and means of processing Personal Data, and therefore responsible for compliance with the applicable regulations in force; the Foundation is the Data Controller for processing data collected from the website and from the use of the e-mail addresses allocated to it.

Processing of Personal Data: any action involving Personal Data, such as recording, copying or distribution.

User: any person who browses the Foundation’s website, for their own personal or professional use, or on behalf of another person, or who sends an e-mail to one of the Foundation’s addresses.


The Foundation is the Data Controller responsible for processing Users’ Personal Data.

In its capacity as Data Controller, the Foundation can be contacted in the following ways:

  • By regular mail: 170 Chemin d’En-Doyse, 81500 Lavaur, France
  • By e-mail:
  • By telephone: +33 (0)5 63 83 12 90


We undertake to comply with applicable regulations for all our processing of Personal Data. We are therefore committed to the following principles:

  • We process your Personal Data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner.
  • We collect your Personal Data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and do not process it in a way that is incompatible with these purposes.
  • We ensure that Personal Data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed.
  • We make every effort to ensure that Personal Data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. We take every reasonable step to ensure that Personal Data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay.
  • We keep your Personal Data in a form that allows you to be identified only for as long as is necessary for the purposes of the processing.
  • We guarantee an appropriate level of security for the Personal Data we process. The Foundation makes its best efforts to implement and maintain all technical and organizational measures to ensure an adequate level of security for your Data. However, we remind you that the Foundation cannot guarantee zero risks, in particular due to piracy or internet malfunctions, or arising from the hardware from which the User accesses and browses the website or sends e-mail to the Foundation.
  • We process your Data in compliance with your rights and do our best to enable you to exercise them as easily as possible and to process your requests to exercise your rights within the time limits provided for by the regulations in force.

These commitments are expressed as follows:

  • We respect your privacy.
  • We guarantee that we take the protection and security of your Personal Data extremely seriously.
  • We do not use your Personal Data for purposes that you have not been informed of.
  • We do not consider that your Personal Data should be stored indefinitely.
  • We do not sell your Personal Data to third parties.
  • We work with trusted partners who provide sufficient guarantees that technical and organizational measures have been implemented to ensure that our processing operations meet the requirements of applicable regulations.
  • We respect your rights as a data subject and make every effort to respond to your requests when they are justified.


Your Data is collected either directly from you, when you fill out an online form, or when you transmit it to us by e-mail.

Your Data may also be collected indirectly. In this case, we collect it solely as a result of your browsing the website, through cookies or other similar technologies, or from another person who provides us with Data concerning you.

Please note that when a User provides Personal Data concerning someone else, they must ensure that they have the right to disclose it to the Foundation and that the Foundation, without having to take any other measure, will be able to use it during the course of its activities and for the purposes for which it is provided.


The use of cookies on the Foundation’s website is strictly limited and is subject to prior acceptance by the User in cases required by law, or to the obligation to inform the User in accordance with the regulations in force. The Data collected by means of cookies is limited to Browsing Data and Login Data in strict compliance with the law.

These cookies are used to operate the website, view content and analyze browsing behavior in order to measure the website’s audience and services offered, as well as to carry out studies and analyses to improve the website. Statistics generated by cookies are and remain anonymous: under no circumstances is the Data collected associated with an identifiable User.

You have the right to object to the use of cookies by not enabling them when you enter the website. You can withdraw your consent at any time if you did not object to it initially, by visiting the dedicated area of the website.

What Personal Data do we collect? For what purpose? For how long?

We undertake to process only Users’ Personal Data that is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and to keep it only for as long as is necessary for those purposes.

The categories of Personal Data we process are as follows:

Data categorys Purposes of the processing Legal basis Duration Data provision required or optional
Identification data
(last name, first name)
Processing of e-mails sent to the Foundation

(via the contact form on the website or via e-mail addresses)

Consent 5 years Required for using the contact service and processing the request
E-mail address Subscription to the newsletter

Sending the newsletter

Consent 5 years Required for using the newsletter service
E-mail address and telephone number Processing of e-mails sent to the Foundation

(via the contact form on the website or via e-mail addresses)

Consent 5 years Required for using the contact service and processing the request
Login and browsing data Audience measurements Legitimate interest 6 months Optional
Statistics 6 months Optional
Responses to requests and requisitions from competent authorities 1 year Required
Data contained in a service / work / supply tender

(Including last name, first name, contact details, qualifications, educational background, training, professional experience, data relating to occupation [company/employer, duties, work contact details])

Analysis of service tenders Execution of pre-contractual measures Duration of the tender analysis and award procedure Required for participating in a tender procedure
Award and performance of contracts Performance of the contract Duration of contract performance Required for contract award and performance
Data contained in a job application

(Including last name, first name, contact details, qualifications, educational background, training, professional experience)

Analysis of applications Execution of pre-contractual measures 2 years from the last contact with an unhired candidate Required for the analysis of applications
Recruitment Execution of pre-contractual measures Duration of the recruitment procedure Required for the award and performance of employment contracts
Performance of the employment contract Performance of the contract Duration of the employment contract

Who can access your Personal Data?

Your Data may be disclosed only to the following recipients, and within the limits of their duties:

  • Foundation personnel responsible for:
    • processing e-mails sent to the Foundation;
    • managing the website and the newsletter;
    • handling complaints and requests to exercise rights;
    • analyzing service tenders and awarding related contracts;
    • recruiting personnel.
  • The Foundation’s subcontractors, trusted service providers, responsible for making the website available, hosting the website and maintaining the hardware/software required for operating the website.

We make every effort to ensure that the number of such persons remains as restricted as possible.

We only provide recipients with the information they strictly need to perform their duties, and they may not in any way use your Personal Data for any other purpose.

We always do our best to ensure that all our trusted service providers with whom we work maintain the security of your Data.

We also ensure that, when our relationship with a trusted service provider comes to an end, the service provider deletes your Personal Data without delay.

We select our trusted service providers with great care, ensuring that they provide sufficient guarantees, particularly in terms of expertise, reliability and resources, to implement the technical and organizational measures needed to meet the requirements of applicable legislation, especially in terms of security. In this respect, we ensure that our trusted service providers process Personal Data only on our documented instructions. We also ensure that their personnel have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality.

What are your rights?  How can you exercise them?

You have:

  1. The right of access to your Data: You have the right to ask the Foundation, and to obtain a reply from the Foundation, whether or not your Personal Data is processed, and if so, to have a copy of the processing of such Data.
    The right of access also gives you the right to know why and for how long this Data is processed, to whom it may be disclosed, how it was collected if you did not provide it yourself, as well as a reminder of your rights regarding your Data.
  2. The right to rectification: you have the right to ask the Foundation to modify any of your Personal Data that may be inaccurate, and/or to complete it if it is incomplete.
  3. The right to object to the processing of your Data: you have the right to object, and ask the Foundation to stop processing your Personal Data for the execution of a mission of the Foundation, or based on a legitimate interest, due to your particular situation.
  4. The right to withdraw consent: you have the right to withdraw the consent you have given to the processing of your Data.
  5. The right to restrict processing: you have the right to ask the Foundation, in certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of your Personal Data, by processing only certain Data but not others, or by processing it only for certain purposes but not others, or by limiting it to certain uses but not others.
  6. The right to erasure, or the right to be forgotten: You have the right to ask the Foundation to delete any or all of your Personal Data, in particular if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or if the processing has become unlawful.
  7. The right to the portability of your Data: You have the right to ask the Foundation to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and/or to transmit your Data to a third party, in certain situations.

You are informed that if a law or regulation so justifies, or a contract so authorizes, the Foundation may continue to process certain Personal Data despite the exercise of your right to limitation, to be forgotten, to object, or to withdraw your consent, to the strict limit of what is necessary to comply with the law, regulation or contract, and only in the cases provided for by the applicable law or regulation or contract.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the authority supervising the application of the regulations relating to the processing of Personal Data.

For more information about your rights, please visit

You can exercise your rights either:

  • By sending an e-mail to the following address:
  • By sending a letter to the following address: 170 Chemin d’En-Doyse, 81500 Lavaur, France

What are your responsibilities as a User?

As a User, you are responsible for exercising caution when you use the internet, browse the Foundation’s website, and use the Foundation’s e-mail addresses. The Foundation cannot protect the User from their own actions. It is therefore your responsibility to exercise discretion and caution when you use the website and e-mail addresses. For example, we recommend that you do not enter Personal Data in an online form in full view of everyone around you when you are using the computer from which you are accessing the website or sending an e-mail to the Foundation.

Furthermore, when you provide the Foundation with Personal Data relating to a third party, you are responsible for complying with any applicable standards and for any consequences of such disclosure. In particular, you must ensure that the data subject is aware of the various topics set out in these Privacy Policies, and has consented to the processing of their Data.