Mekong Pharma Network: an expanded university structure for educators in pharmaceutical sciences

— Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam —


The Mekong Pharma Network programme was established based on the needs expressed by the four universities to promote knowledge-sharing in drug sciences to benefit educators, students and general populations.

The Mekong Pharma Network programme helps make the Southeast Asian medication supply chain more secure by promoting the continuing education of educators from partner universities and faculties

Mekong Pharma Network facilitation tools

The Mekong Pharma Network benefits from a number of tools, broadening interactions between educators:

  • Specialised training in Asia and France with presentations by academics and industrial experts;
  • Development of collaborative inter-university research projects;  
  • Funding for research grants to allow researchers long-term visitation opportunities in international laboratories.

Distance learning

The Mekong Pharma Network programme was launched prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiatives that were originally planned had to be adapted to the health constraints that made trade between France and Asia and between Asian countries impossible. Seminars and meetings are now held by videoconference and distance-learning solutions have been pursued.

With the support of the Fondation Pierre Fabre and the expertise of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the partner universities therefore decided to set up distance-learning platforms (using the “Moodle” tool) at each of the four universities. Training for administrators and engineers in using the computer tools and training for educators in use of the software began in Hanoi in December 2020 at two workshops. The workshops for training educators in “Moodle” will continue in 2021 at each of the four universities. The seminars in pharmaceutical sciences will take the form of videoconferences and video media.

In 2024, 5 face-to-face training workshops were held.


Training of drug specialists

2020 – 2024

Type of involvement
Distributor and operator


  • Strengthen scientific cooperation between the four faculties
  • Create partnerships with foreign universities
  • Run collaborative research projects


Approval of the four research projects
The research projects approved by the Foundation’s Scientific Committee in 2022 focus on developing antimicrobial products that draw on the biodiversity of each country

 Skill reinforcement
Training at the University of Pharmacy in Hanoi on quality control, delivered by a lecturer from the University of Paris (30 participants)

Setting up of an online learning platform
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (French-speaking academic agency) ran several workshops on how to use the Moodle online learning platform

Hanoi University of Pharmacy
13-15 Le Thanh Tong, Hoan Kiem

« Our partnership with the Fondation Pierre Fabre has led us to work with three other Asian universities and four French universities over the seven-year implementation of the Pharmacy Master’s relocated to Asia. We are continuing this collaboration through the Mekong Pharma Network with the objective of proceeding with the high-level training of our educators and improving our universities’ research capacities by establishing international collaborative programmes. »

Professor Nguyen Thanh Binh, Rector at the University of Pharmacy of Hanoi



Distance-learning platforms made available to educators and students at the four universities (Hanoi, HCMC, Phnom Penh, Vientiane)

Introduction of collaborative research programmes starting in 2022

by visioconference


  • Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
  • University of Health Sciences of Cambodia
  • University of Health Sciences of Laos
  • University of Pharmacy of Hanoi
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh City

See also

Rehabilitation of the Vientiane Faculty of Pharmacy

An initial partnership agreement was signed on 10 May 2005 and the Foundation embarked on the project with a threefold challenge before it: to fully satisfy the request, but, more importantly, to rally local youth around this renaissance and give the institution wings to fly on its own.


See also

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