Supporting the Persis Paediatric Medical and Surgical Centre

— Burkina Faso —


Initially dedicated to the prevention and treatment of noma, a rapidly progressive facial necrosis affecting many Burkinabe children, the Foundation’s support for the Persis Paediatric Medical and Surgical Centre (CMCPP) expanded in 2018, with two principal missions:

  • prevention and treatment of oral disease;
  • treatment of severe and moderate malnutrition through the CMCPP’s Nutritional Education and Recovery Centre.

These areas of involvement address two decisive factors in preventing noma (oral hygiene and nutrition) and respond to the urgent threat posed by armed conflicts, which have led to renewed food shortages, with young children being the first to suffer. Burkina Faso, one of Africa’s poorest countries, is facing new waves of violence, particularly in the isolated northern regions where the Persis Paediatric Medical and Surgical Centre is located.


The CMCPP was founded in 2004 in Ouahigouya, in the northern region of Burkina Faso, by the Persis Burkina Association, an NGO working in health, education, vocational training, and family and social reintegration. The CMCPP provides low-cost preventive, curative, and rehabilitative paediatric care. Its mission is also to promote healthcare-related training and education. The centre added a maternity ward and neonatal department in 2018, which handled more than 1,000 deliveries in 2020.

Beyond direct patient treatment, the CMCPP provides:

  • an external medical monitoring system after patients return to family;
  • prevention initiatives in schools and orphanages and awareness-raising through public events; and
  • social support (school fees and food) for underprivileged children and their families.


In 2020, these field activities were disrupted by security issues, which caused substantial population displacements, further worsened by the Covid-19 epidemic. Despite these major challenges, the CMCPP continues to provide quality healthcare for poor and at-risk populations. This unwavering day-to-day commitment was in large part thanks to Dr Lassara Zala, founder of the Persis Paediatric Medical and Surgical Centre, who received the Burkinabe Order of Merit in 2020.


Access to quality healthcare


Type of involvement

Funding the Persis Paediatric Medical and Surgical Centre and initiatives to prevent and treat oral disease and malnutrition in underprivileged Burkinabe children

Origins of the project to establish the medical and surgical centre in Ouahigouya

Our goal: providing relief to children so as many as possible can live happy lives.”

Dr Lassara Zala
Paediatrician and CMCPP founder



In total, over the years 2018, 2019 and 2020:

oral-health consultations and 2,454 dental treatments

 maxillofacial consultations and 13 restorative surgeries

new patients, including 956 in 2019 and 569 in 2020

children treated for severe malnutrition

 children given academic support


  • Persis Burkina Association
  • Persis Paediatric Medical and Surgical Centre

See also

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Nengo Project: news and innovations

For the past 4 years, the NENGO project has provided holistic care for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. Previously based in Bangui and accessible via two national partners, the Hôpital de l'Amitié and the Central African Association of Women Lawyers (AFJC), the NENGO project has so far provided socio-economic, legal, psychological and/or medical support to over 8,700 beneficiaries. The ambition today is to move into surrounding areas to offer mobile clinics for the treatment of serious gynecological pathologies to patients who are unable to travel to the capital, which is sometimes a long way from their homes.