The Global South eHealth Observatory – November 2016 news
The Fondation Pierre Fabre is in Abidjan from 29 November to 1 December for the third annual Africa Web Festival.
This festival, begun in 2014, is now the biggest event working to promote and expand ICTs in French-speaking Africa.
Africa Web Festival
At this key event, a regional, continental and international digital showcase for French-speaking Africa, the Foundation is presenting The Global South eHealth Observatory (ODESS) at the 29 November roundtable, which will explore how digital is contributing to health in Africa. To learn more about the festival and follow the eHealth roundtable:
- News from the eHealth projects given special Observatory awards in July 2016
We are closely following the 2016 winning projects and their continued remarkable progress, including:
Winner of the 2016 Orange Social Entrepreneur prize.
Territoire et Citoyenneté (Territory and Citizenship) prize at the Trophées de l’Economie Numérique (Digital Economy Awards)
Alain Nteff voted best African “start-upper” by the Total Group
“Best eHealth Application” award from the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO)
Congratulations to all!
- Observatory website
Lastly, we are pleased to announce that the Observatory website is now also available in English!
Keep up with the latest eHealth and Observatory news by subscribing to the #ODESS Twitter and Facebook accounts.